Sunday, 30 August 2009

Benefits of a Portable Toilet in Disaster Situation, Hurricanes and Floods

Disasters like hurricanes and floods can occur at anytime and cause havoc to life and property. The very first casualty of such a situation is outbreak of epidemics due to lack of adequate and clean sanitation facilities. Different deadly diseases like Cholera, Hepatitis A, and Cryptosporidiosis raise their ugly head. All these diseases occur due to contaminated water and contact with feces or vomit. The answer to all such concerns lies in a portable toilet.

What are Portable Toilets?

A Portable toilet is a modern and self-contained plastic outhouse. It is made of plastic and available in many different colors. It is normally three feet by seven feet long and has enough space for a single occupant. A portable toilet houses a seated toilet and a urinal.

Ventilation is through the top and has a stovepipe vent for the holding tank. You can lock the door. The weight of the disinfectant liquid at the bottom of the holding tank keeps the toilet in an upright position. Such portable toilets are in use at many social gatherings and construction sites too. Newer models sport additional facilities like antibacterial hand gel dispensers and toilet papers.

How does it function?

Portable sanitation industry is now a booming business with annual turnover of more than 1.5 million dollars. Presently there are more than 1,400,000 portable restrooms with a service fleet of more than 9,400 trucks.

You need toilet units, service personnel like salespeople, technicians, and drivers, service vehicles, and a central headquarters to coordinate all sanitation functions. Such sanitation headquarters need connection to a sanitary sewer system for easy disposal of the effluents. Normally, official disposal sites are in vicinity of such headquarters.

Service personnel normally service forty to fifty toilet units each day. The service truck has a pump and a large tank. There are two compartments in the tank. One of them receives the effluent disposal and the other has fresh substances for cleaning the toilet units. Service personnel scrub clean the interior of the portable toilet with brushes and then towel dry it. They also look into any minor repairs, as necessary. They also replenish all toilet tissue stocks.

Benefits of Portable Toilets

* Portable toilets pose their greatest benefit in their portability. Companies renting out portable toilets assure guarantee of their cleanliness. These companies conduct weekly cleaning sessions by draining, cleaning, disinfecting, and deodorizing the toilets. A pickup truck can haul a portable toilet.

* Such toilets do not clog or overflow, as they do not function with the plumbing feature. This helps develop good sanitation facilities at work sites or even in permanent settlement areas. Better sanitation obviously leads to better environment and therefore better living conditions too.

* Parks and recreational areas can house such portable toilets, as these places do not normally have sewer connected sanitation facilities.

* Portable toilets are best for providing temporary sanitation during natural disasters liker hurricanes, floods, fires, and earthquakes.

* Portable toilets at construction sites help keep toilets at nearby places. This saves time spent on going to far-off distances to attend to nature’s calls. You save time and labor costs. Besides, outdoor workers develop a higher morale too.

* Providing clean sanitation facilities makes you rank high among environmentalists, health authorities, OSHA inspectors, and garners overall support and goodwill from the public. It also promotes goodwill and organizes support from relevant quarters.

Wednesday, 19 August 2009

Is Your Cat Ready for Toilet Training? Here's 5 Ways You Can Tell

At the end of a long day, who wants to sift through a messy litter box? Certainly not me. Up until now, the litter-box has been a necessary evil, a small price to pay for our beloved companions. But not anymore. In fact, there's an underground alternative designed for those of us who are ready to kick the litter habit: toilet training your cat.

Sounds complicated, right? Not at all. Although far from mainstream, cat toilet training is gaining momentum and cat owners across the country are beginning to embrace the trend. But before you toss that box in the trash, there's a few ways to tell if your cat is ready to take the leap into a litter-free lifestyle. Think Fluffy has what it takes? Read on.

1. Your cat is already litter-box trained.

OK, I know what you're thinking: "Of course my cat knows how to use the litter-box" But the simple fact is, cats that already know how to use the litter-box can be reconditioned to use the toilet instead. That's because cat toilet training utilizes your cat's natural instincts to bury their waste to hide their scent from predators. During the training process your cat will learn to put its waste in water instead of in litter. Once your cat makes this transition toilet training becomes a breeze and - voila! Your cat is successfully potty trained!

2. Your cat is eager to please you.

Does your cat love making you happy? Whether she leaves the occasional "gift" on your doorstep or offers a warm nuzzle while you're reading, cats who are eager to please are the purr-fect candidates for toilet training. After she learns that using the toilet pleases you, she'll be happy to oblige!

3. You have trained your cat to do something in the past.

Does your cat come when you call them? Believe it or not, simple actions like responding to a voice command can help lay the groundwork for the toilet training process. After all, if your kitty already knows how to "follow the leader", toilet training will be a breeze.

4. Your cat is healthy.

This one might seem like a no-brainer, but healthy cats have a much easier time jumping up onto their new throne. Illnesses like arthritis or urinary tract infections can affect their ability to learn how to use the toilet, so sick kitties should stick to the box.

5. You know your cat.

Can you tell when your feline friend is having a rough day? If you're like many pet owners, you're probably very in tune with your cat's feelings. This unique bond works as a positive force during the toilet training process. How? Cats will use body language to tell you if they are comfortable with a particular training step. When you pick up on these signals, both of you can work together to achieve a relaxed training pace. You'll both feel satisfied when you work as a team!

Tag : toilet,toilet training,toilet repair,toilet seats

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Sunday, 16 August 2009

How to Train Your Cat to Use the Toilet

Teaching your cat to utilize the toilet is a idea that has been around for years. In the past couple of years, it has become more popular. People don't want cat litter stinking up their houses. There are a few people, such as women who are pregnant, who have health problems because of their cat's urine and feces and want an alternative. People like this could desire to offer their cats toilet training.

When you give your cats toilet training, you should train them slowly. Introduce the idea to your cat bit by bit. You can not throw your cat on the toilet and expect them to use the bathroom. This not only won't work, but could traumatize your kitty. It requires patience to prepare your kitty to do its business in the toilet.

You will need to buy a cat toilet seat when you decide you teach your cat to use the toilet. This will assist your cat in getting accustomed to doing its business in the toilet. You don't want to utilize this tool straight away. Your cat won't be accustomed to this tool and might begin doing its business in areas of your home that you don't want them to do their business in. If they are not comfortable using the toilet seat, they could begin using the bathroom in a corner or under a bed.

You want to let your cat get accustomed to the toilet seat before they will use it. You can't force your cat to do something that don't want to do. A good place to begin is by placing the litter box in the restroom that your cat will be using the bathroom. It is also a good idea to put the cat toilet seat on and show it to your cat.

The most essential part of giving your cats toilet training is this: When your cat becomes accustomed to using the cat toilet seat, you will need to take the litter box out. This way, your cat is forced to use the cat toilet seat.

Monday, 10 August 2009

Leaky Toilet Repair

A common issue is uncovered when you stand up and realize that your feet are wet. Water seeping out on your floor from the base of the toilet bowl is indicative of several potential problems. While it could indicate that the porcelain has been compromised, it's not generally likely that this could happen without you being aware. Some thing would have to hit the toilet very hard for this to have happened.

Generally, this leak is the result of a compromised wax ring. If a toilet is loosely bolted to the floor, it will rock ever so little while a person sits on the toilet. Over a duration, this gentle rocking motion can cause the wax ring to work loose. Don't worry, this is something you can definitely fix.

Turn off the supply of water to the toilet and then flush it one more time once more. This should deplete both the bowl and the tank. Disconnect the water supply and then loosen the bolts that hold the toilet to the floor. Once it is loose, simply pull straight up on the toilet and lift it off of the drain pipe where it had been. The old wax ring should be left behind on the floor. Get a a scraper tool and remove the wax.

We're being hopeful you were thinking ahead and picked up a new ring prior to you pulling up the toilet. A brand new wax ring shouldn't set you back more than $3.00. Put the new ring in place and then replace the toilet back into place. Push downward onto the toilet with some authority to make sure that the new wax ring is completely seated, and then bolt the toilet back down to the floor, make sure that it is firm enough to keep the toilet from rocking. Be careful though, as you could crack the porcelain if you over tighten the bolts.

After you have figured out the basic operating principles of your toilet, it definitely is fairly easy and inexpensive to maintain. We have dealt with one of the more common issues here, and you could definitely fix most problems related with toilets at the same time for under than $15.00. However keep in mind that you are working with a toilet, and you'll most probably want to wear gloves while you relocate the toilet bowl from its flange on the floor.

Tag : toilet,toilet repair,toilet training,toilet cleaning

Friday, 7 August 2009

Top Tips For Quick Toilet Training

According to the American Academy of Pediatrics and other experts, toddlers have profound and steadfast cravings to discover new information, observe their environments, and master new skills. And it's no surprise that when children are actively encouraged to seek out new information and their efforts and accomplishments are celebrated, they learn far more quickly.

Therefore, if your goal is to toilet train your son or daughter quickly, you must keep these fundamental truths in mind before beginning the process, because they serve as the basis for any good fast-forwarding system. In my experience, far too many well-meaning parents has less than stellar results because they assume that their little ones actually prefer peeing and pooping in their diapers! This couldn't be further from the truth! Rather, children continually strive to become more independent (and potty training is one of the biggest first steps towards this) and with proper instruction and support, they can - and will - learn to use the potty or toilet quickly and happily!

All you need is four things:

1. The right mindset - Commitment, focus, and follow-through are essential for successful, complete, and fast toilet training

2. An excellent accelerated toilet training system - one that combines positive behavioral modification techniques within a nurturing environment

3. Thorough preparation - You'll need to set aside the time and have the required equipment (which shouldn't be expensive or fancy!)

4. Careful attention to instructions and consistent follow-through - You must be prepared to follow the directions to the letter and

If you're missing any of the four, you can expect that toilet training your child will take much, much longer than is necessary, and it's best to prepare yourself for the long haul.

My advice? Avoid learning the hard way through trial and error - there simply is no need to do so. But here's a word of caution: The Internet is filled with "faster-than-light" toilet training methods and in my opinion, many are just plain terrible. Promoters of these methods will promise you instant results with little, or no, work.

Don't believe them! Yes, you can potty train your child quickly - even in 24 hours (I've personally done this many times) - but it will not happen by accident (no pun intended!). Like most things, your result will be directly related to your efforts. If you exert very little time and effort you can reasonably expect very little in the way of achievements, regardless of what you may have heard.

Here are four quick reference tips that will increase your chances of success:

1. Be certain that your child is physically and developmentally ready for toilet training. The American Academy of Pediatrics advises that most children are ready to be toilet trained between the ages of 18 and 27 months. However, use this only as a guide, because experts also concur on this other very critical rule of thumb: Developmental age is much more important than chronological age for determining potty training readiness. (e.g. dressing and undressing themselves; imitating others; frequent "I can do it all by myself!" declarations, and the like). If you're still uncertain, check with your pediatrician or take one of the toilet training readiness assessments on the Internet.

2. Trust that you and your child can work together to accomplish this joyful rite of passage. As I indicated earlier, I have potty-trained toddlers of every "make and model" - younger, older, cooperative, resistant, talkative, and more. And although each was unique in many ways, they all had one thing in common: they wanted to learn to use the potty, even if they didn't seem to at first.

Quite frankly, I've witnessed only two main reasons for potty training "failures." They are:

* The child was not old enough and/or developmentally ready. (Refer back to #1)

* The "teacher" (most often a parent) didn't prepare properly, failed to follow directions carefully, lacked the necessary focus, and/or wasn't consistent. In other words, the teacher's efforts must surpass the student's - at least initially.

3. Choose your accelerated system carefully. Make sure you select a method that will get the job done quickly and joyfully and most importantly, one that is supported in practice and theory by pediatricians, child therapists, and other respected experts. And, please, don't fall for the hype! Following are some things to consider.

Your toilet training system should...

* Help you determine if your child is ready

* Offer all-inclusive, easy-to-follow instructions (from the planning stage through implementation) using plain language and simple formatting

* Support constructive behavioral modification procedures within a cheerful and supportive environment

* Call for one teacher only (usually a parent) until the initial process is completed

* Disallow punishment for accidents or non-compliance and highly discourage stressful "pushing" of any sort

* Contain a detailed list of necessary supplies and not require specialized (e.g. expensive, fancy, gimmicky) equipment or toys

* Prohibit the use of pull-ups (the worst toilet training aids of all time, in my humble opinion!)

4. Commit the necessary time (24-48 hours), focus, and stick-to-itiveness to the process - no matter how frustrating you may feel at times. In other words, preparation and dogged persistence win this one! Laid-back, "they'll-figure-it-out-for-themselves" won't cut it if you plan on toilet training your child quickly. Once again, if you're determined to approach it with this kind of attitude, you'll likely be potty training your little one for months.

Having said that, I want to be very clear on the following point. Although it's entirely possible - and even common - to potty train toddlers in 24 hours or less, you should still set aside two full days to complete it. This will provide plenty of wiggle room to reinforce your teachings for children who learn more quickly and allow you to continue your lessons if your child needs a bit more time. And remember, either is perfectly normal, and since you won't know how it will go until you're already well into the process, it's a good idea to plan for any eventuality.

I hope this advice has proven helpful to those of you who have already decided to - or are considering - toilet training fast. Remember, it can be achieved quickly, merrily, and entirely with a little bit of planning, the right attitude, and a whole lot of love!

Saturday, 1 August 2009

How to Get Rid of Toilet Stains

Nothing is quite as nice as a clean, white, and sparkly toilet, as anyone who has ever used a public restroom can attest to. But what happens when that gleaming white porcelain gets stained, or worse, has an unsightly ring? Face it, everyone has had a toilet that was embarrassing because it was stained, scratched or unsightly. Save yourself the embarrassment and the frustration of a stained toilet by using some simple techniques to keep your toilet clean, attractive, and stain-free.

Whatever chemicals you use, please be sure to follow directions thoroughly before using any strong chemicals and follow them exactly. Most importantly, never mix chemicals together or you could unwittingly create a bomb in your toilet and hurt yourself. Lastly, make sure you have adequate ventilation, eye protection, and skin protection.

The tips below will help to get your commode in tip-top toilet shape!

Basic Toilet Stain Removal

While cleaning the bathroom may never be your favorite household chore, it is one of the most important and toilets, in particular, can cause a great deal of embarrassment if they are not visions of gleaming white porcelain. But with a few simple precautions and effective cleaning methods, you can have a gleaming bathroom you can be proud of.

* The first thing to do is to empty as much water from the bowl as possible; not only does this enable you to work directly on stains, it also means that there is less water to dilute the cleaning agents you are using.

You can lower the water level by first turning off the water source and then either pouring a large bucket of water into the bowl as a sort of "manual flush" or just flushing the toilet, in both cases driving as much water down the pipes as possible.

* Next, give the inside of the bowl a general clean, using liberal amounts of cleaning agent or disinfectant and a bowl brush. If the toilet is still stained after cleaning, use some stronger cleaning agents or stain removers to tackle the marks.

Whatever chemicals you use, remember to respect the directions given and follow them exactly; in particular; never mix chemicals as this can be extremely hazardous. Make sure there is sufficient ventilation while you are working and ideally, wear eye and skin protection.

* In addition, always use an all-plastic scrubbing brush; avoid the toilet brushes with metal wires as these can scratch and permanently damage a toilet. Pumice stones have sometimes been recommended for tackling hard water or mineral deposits and while they can be very effective (although physically, they're hard work!), there is a risk they could scratch the porcelain, so be careful if you decide to use this method.

Toilet Stain Removal Agents

There are alternative methods using chemicals that run less risk of scratching the porcelain.

* Vinegar is a great all-purpose stain remover and cleaning agent. Vinegar works well on toilet stains, particularly hard water deposits or lime scale. Simply pour a large amount into the toilet bowl and leave it overnight, then clean again as usual in the morning, flushing thoroughly.

* Borrowed from your laundry cupboard, bleach is stronger than vinegar and so works on tougher stains and rings. Again, simply add to the toilet bowl (half a cup should be sufficient) and then leave for as long as possible before cleaning and flushing away.

Tag : toilet,toilet stains,toilet training,toilet repair,