Wednesday, 29 April 2009

How A Toilet Cleaner Can Teach Life Wisdom

Our habits create our daily realities. Much of our habits are acted out unconsciously everyday. Tomorrow just watch people going to work. On the bus. The train. Crossing at the lights. The blank stares. No real connection. Just going to work. Listening to their Ipods. Their own inner dialogue. So what? Well soon the mind becomes like the commutor. Our thoughts travel the same path each day. We dress much the same. We move much the same. Most mornings people go through the same routine. Until there is an accident on the motorway. Or a crisis at home. The toilet is blocked. Oh no, things are turning to excrement.

This is where the teachings of a toilet cleaner come in handy.

I remember an email client I was coaching whose life had reached rock bottom. He had lost everything and was now cleaning public toilets. He was deeply depressed. So I had to find a way of rebuilding his self-belief. It was about reminding him of a bigger hidden purpose that lay beyond cleaning toilets. His situation was temporary. He needed to know that this was preparing him for something bigger. He needed to believe in himself. He needed to use cleaning toilets as his martial arts for life. Toughening his mind. Strengthening his character. So he started to see things differently. When people left little piles on the toilet floor and wrote messages, " eat my *bleep*" he simply said, "here is the best part of that person". After a while he slowly started turning his life around.

This is what the toilet can teach us. It is a honest place. It does not pretend to be anything else other than serve its primary function. This is why the toilet cleaner is so important. Each cubicle. Each urinal. Each bowl. They all need cleaning daily. Nothing upsets us more than unclean unflushed toilets. Similarly with our own negative experiences. We need to wipe, flush and disinfect the negative residue from our minds. Yet we also grow stronger as a result. The challenges and struggles of life help build mental toughness and inner character. A tree growing on the side of a cliff has tougher wood than the same tree growing on flat sheltered land. A butterfly needs to squeeze and struggle its way free of its cocoon so that it has the strength to fly. Struggle and adversity are the realities of life. It is your attitude towards your struggles that determines whether you fly or crash.

So the next time, you use the toilet. Remember to wipe, flush and spray your mind as well.

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Tuesday, 28 April 2009

Toothbrushes And Toilets in the Bathroom

You may remember hearing something horrible about the bathroom once and how, if you can keep your toothbrush in the same room as your toilet, every time you flush your toilet droplets of toilet water go on your toothbrush! Supposedly they say, you might as well be brushing your teeth with toilet water. Naturally, people immediately go out and buy all the materials to redo their bathroom and they build a wall between their toothbrush and the toilet. Well, maybe they aren't that extreme but it does bring up some concerns about the bathroom.

Bathroom remodeling is a major industry these days. The question is, is it really necessary? Everyone seems to be into tearing their house apart and putting it back together again, usually starting with the bathroom or the most inconvenient place possible. Is it possible to have a simple bathroom that is pleasing to all members of the family without investing enough to put several kids through college? I set out to find out. Here are some great remodelling tips:

1 Shower/Tub: Try cleaning these parts of the bathroom first. If you have to buy a new one, don't spend more than 200 bucks.

2 Toilet: If it works in the bathroom, don't fix it. If it doesn't, replace it.

3 Sink: If it's cracked, keep it under $150 tops.

4 Vanity: You can usually fix up your bathroom with a nice one from Home Depot or Lowes at a very low cost.

5 Lighting: Recessed lights are always very important in the bathroom

6 Floor: Try linoleum for most bathroom floors as it cleans up easily.

7 Painting: The cheapest remodel of all for your bathroom is to slap a new coat of paint on it.

So, is remodeling your bathroom really about replacing things that don't work anymore or is it more about changing something in your life to make you feel better about yourself? For that matter, isn't home remodeling in general all about that?

Taking a wider view, bathrooms go back to before the Roman empire and everyone knows abut the Roman baths which were great big pools of water where the whole community bathed together. For them it was a social occasion: time to discuss the events of the day and so forth. In places like England and Europe it's not even a bathroom; it's a water closet or the loo, and it doesn't always include all these luxurious fixtures you find in a bathroom in America. Sink, toilet, and bathtub/shower all in the bathroom together is mostly an American invention, it turns out. Not that I don't think it's a good one.

Truth is, my current bathroom is in three different rooms: toilet in one, shower in another, sink outside of both. It's not always as convenient as I'd like. I'm always wrapping myself in a towel to go from one room to the next. But I think I'll stick with the current arrangement; remodeling my bathroom as a route to reinventing myself sounds expensive. At least my toothbrush isn't in the bathroom with my toilet. There's really nothing to worry about as long as you keep your toilet clean enough.

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Please Use A Toilet Seat Cover!

Despite the best efforts whoever keeps a restroom clean, it is almost impossible to keep on top of the myriad germs and bacteria that are able to thrive on a toilet seats. These germs can cause infections and disease if they get into your body, so you should take every precaution available to you in order to avoid them.

The first line of attack against the creatures in your bathroom is to clean scrupulously as often as is convenient in order to hold back the level of contamination, however, the fact remains that they will come back all too soon. Whether you bleach the facilities daily, scrub them, or wipe down after every use, the phenomenal rate at which bacteria reproduce, means that they will establish themselves in significant populations on every surface almost as quickly as you try to remove them.

Amongst the nasty invisible creatures living in every bathroom waiting for an opportunity to infect an unsuspecting person are unpleasant germs like Hepatitis A, Salmonella, Coliform Bacteria, Shingells, and many more that can cause stomach upsets that may require a stay in hospital.

These germs can easily be transferred on to your skin when you sit on the toilet, and from there it is an easy journey into your body through your mouth or small cuts and abrasions on your skin.

The only way of avoiding contamination from the menagerie of disease causing bacteria that reside in the average toilet is to put a hygienic barrier between your skin and the toilet seat, and this is where a toilet seat cover comes into its own.

Many public restrooms have a toilet seat cover dispenser in every
cubicle that allows users to protect themselves from the potential for infection that comes from using a toilet. The seat cover itself is a piece of paper that matches the size and shape of the toilet seat, to create a barrier between you and the seat itself.

You might even want to consider using toilet seat covers at home, because even though you clean your toilet regularly, it can still become home to the same unpleasant germs that are present in public restrooms.

Using a toilet seat cover every time you go to the bathroom will
protect you from getting infected with potentially dangerous conditions such as Salmonella and cryptosporidium that can require hospitalization, and if you have a weakened immune system, could even kill you.

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Monday, 27 April 2009

Gossip For Tourists In Japan - Toto Toilets And The Sound Princess

In a country known for innovative technology, are we really justified in being surprised that they have the most advanced public toilets as well? Concentrating on comfort, cleanliness and even attempting to ease embarrassment, Japanese toilets are far beyond what most expect, though for anyone living there, these should be fast becoming the norm.

Of course we won't go into the health befits of the squat toilets from yesteryears that are still common here, but are really not as innovative as you'd hope from the Japanese. Those you'd find in other Asian countries as well, mostly in villages though.

When it comes to a bit of innovation, it starts here by eliminating embarrassment. Talk about the discomfort of knowing someone is in a stall next to you and can actually hear you making some funny sounds; funny to them but embarrassing for you. Japanese tech people have remedied this by creating a device commonly referred to as a 'Sound Princess'. Found in almost all of the newer public restrooms, the device, when turned on, literally sounds like a flushing toilet, drowning out any other sound that might be made when using the facilities. This ensures that even the shyest of people can relax, knowing no one can hear them.

What Japan really has to offer in modern toilets industry, if you want to call it that, are the washlets that have a variety of features to please everyone (...yes, we are still talking toilets). The control panel for the Washlet might remind you of something you might see in a spaceship; these toilets may look ordinary, but are anything but normal.

A common feature on each is a bidet, which can be combined with toilet paper, or used on its own to wash anything and everything. Most have two nozzles, with adjustable water pressure to each area, gently cleansing without being uncomfortable. Many Washlets have built in dryers, making toilet paper unnecessary. Comfort doesn't stop here though, with heaters attached, cold seats are a thing of the past. Some models even have automated lid opening, closing and flushing, catering to males and females with the push of a button.

Making those unavoidable trips to the loo is never welcomed by anyone, but Japanese have made the whole thing an experience worth trying. The only main problem that most tourists face in these toilets is the language barrier. The control panels have Japanese instructions and once seated getting up can become tricky. There is no question though that these toilets are catching up in the rest of the world as well, even the hi-tech man in black, Will Smith, when building his house got the Japanese to supply his toilets.

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Sunday, 26 April 2009

Repairing a Leaky Toilet

Picture this: you walk into the bathroom one afternoon and discover a small puddle of water around the base of the toilet. Your first thought is to blame your children as you assume they flushed another toy down the toilet, but then you remember that your children have been over at a friend's house all day and couldn’t possibly be to blame for the problem. So, it appears you have a leak that needs to be repaired.

Exploring Your Options

You could call a plumber to repair your toilet leak, but that would be expensive. Besides, this is probably a repair that you can complete on your own. At the same time, this is not a repair that can be ignored because the leak could lead to major problems by causing water damage to your bathroom.

Making the Repair

The first thing you need to do in order to repair a toilet leak is to check the bolts that hold the toilet to the floor. If one or both of the floor bolts are loose, then tightening them will probably take care of the problem. Just be careful to not overtighten the bolts, as you can crack the ceramic of the toilet base and you will have a whole new problem to deal with.

Once you have made sure the bolts are tight, check to see if you still have a leak problem. If you do, the next step is to check the supply line. Make sure all of the connections are tight. If you discover a leak there, you can easily replace the supply line and take care of the leak. In order to do this, simply shut off the valve, flush the toilet and disconnect the line. Make sure you have a small bucket handy when replacing the supply line, as there will be some water in the tank and in the old line. Once the line is removed, replace it with a new line and tighten everything back up.

If that still doesn't fix the problem, you may need to replace the wax ring, which acts as a gasket between the toilet and the drain pipe. Shut off the supply line, flush the toilet to drain the tank, and disconnect the supply line. Once again, keep a bucket on hand to catch the excess water. Then, remove the nuts from the floor bolts, lift the toilet and set it to one side. Scrape away the remains of the old wax ring from both the drain and the base of the toilet and put a new wax ring in place. Place the toilet back over the new wax ring and then reattach and tighten everything.

After taking all of these steps, your leak should be repaired. If you want to learn more about how to repair leaks or how to complete more advanced plumbing repairs, however, you might want to consider taking a few classes. That way, you will be prepared to take care of any problems that occur in your household plumbing system.

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Friday, 24 April 2009

Ode To A Clogged Toilet

In the continuing discussion about the "green revolution" and its effects and consequences on us today, barely a day goes by that I don't read multiple complaints on the discussion groups and DIY forums about toilets clogging. I own 2 low CFM (cubic feet per minute) toilets and I'm a big guy. Yes that means what goes in eventually comes out the other end and if anyone was going to stop up a toilet it would be me. Does it happen? Occasionally, but honestly no more frequently with my 1.6 CFM toilets than back when I had the 6 CFM's toilets. I am the proud father of 3 wonderful sons and the youngest could clog a toilet with urine only and so we kept the latest in high tech plungers immediately next to his toilet at all times. I answered a typical question this morning on the DIY Network forum where the poster was complaining that both of the family toilets were clogging about every 2 weeks and immediately the posters jumped on the band wagon of what was his flush capacity? what brand toilet was it? Just how many golf balls was he trying to flush when it became clogged. The point is that our preoccupation with low flush toilets has the vast majority of the public immediately assuming that it's the toilet's fault. It couldn't possibly be that we have a serious lack of fiber in our diet nor that we have always clogged toilets regardless of the CFM. My answer was that if it was intermittent and there was no real difference in the volume or density of the solid waste then had anyone thought that it might not be the toilet at all. This problem could very easily be the beginnings of a clog down stream in the main drain line. This occasional clogging can easily be the harbinger of more serious things to come down the road when the main drain becomes so clogged that it backs up into the lowest point of the house (usually a downstairs bath tub) and causes a mess that only a remediation company can begin to repair. Instead of joining the chorus on blaming the toilets, they were 5 years old and the clogging has just begun, I recommended an aggressive snaking of the main drain from each toilet out and down through the main line to the septic or sewer system. A clogged grease trap on the sewer system can cause this. Although it wasn't mentioned as to whether this user was on a septic tank or not , a full septic tank can cause the same effect, or clogging drain field lines on the septic tank can be the cause especially after a heavy rain. In summation before you start discussing with God the destiny of the soul of the inventor of the low flush toilet, before you yell at your teenager that he has to start eating more high fiber pizza, before you join the chorus of well meaning yet possibly mislead complainers, stop and think your way through your situation. Look at the whole situation about your clogging problems and don't just stop by blaming the poor toilet that's trying to help conserve water while we still have some to conserve.

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Thursday, 23 April 2009

Kid’s Journey From Potty Chair to Adult Toilet

Potty chair is an important tool in potty training your child and its right selection make the training easier to a great extent. But making a right choice in potty chair requires full presence of mind. Think again, your child will learn his toilet etiquettes using these chairs and if you select the wrong one then it will affect potty training negatively.

Potty chair should be attractive and comfortable enough so that your child likes to use it repeatedly. There are numerous varieties available in the market and you need to choose from them.

Types of potty chairs you can choose from -

v Insert or Standalone Potty Chairs

Both insert and standalone potty chairs have their own benefits. Insert ones can be installed into your toilet and you need to wash these chairs by just flushing the toilet. Kids who are afraid of toilet do not like it and above all it is expensive. On the other side, standalone potty chairs can be placed anywhere but they should have solid base and easy to use.

v Basic Potty Chair
Made up of plastic basic potty chair is designed like a usual chair. It is easily washable. These chairs are inexpensive but not much decorative. You can easily afford to place one such chair in every room of the house.

v Fancy Potty Chair

These fancy items attract kids and they may be encouraged them to use these chairs whenever they want to go for potty. You can find these chairs in different styles at varying prices.

v Toilet Hole Reducer

Kids are afraid of using big potty chairs that have large toilet holes. Toilet-hole reducer makes the things secure for the child by reducing the hole. Children who get habitual to use small potty chair are generally hesitate to use big toilet. Toilet reducer plays a significant role in switching over your kid to adult toilet from small potty chairs. Sometimes parents avoid using small potty chair and only use this option to make him familiar with the toilet to shorten the length of potty training. Thus, they do not require to teach their child separately to use first small and then adult toilet.

v All-In-One Potty Chair

All-In-One potty chair comprises all the positive points of above written potty chairs. It has different detachable parts for various purposes. It can be both modified into simple potty chair and then into toilet hole reducer. To clean this all rounder chair, pour the contents into the toilet and wash it properly from the bottom and rinse thoroughly.

Before choosing the potty chair you need to consider certain factors–

  • The space you have planned to install the potty chair. If you are planning to install it somewhere away from the toilet then temporary potty chair is best for your kid.
  • If you are installing it near your toilet then toilet hole reducer is an ideal option.
  • Always consider your kid’s favorite cartoon character for potty chair, which can attract child easily.

Slowly, but gradually your child grows and with the growth you need to introduce him to the things meant for grown up children. You can no more carry the baby potty seat every where with your grown up child. So it is the time to shift him from baby potty chair to adult toilet. As your child is habitual to use the chair then you need to show patience and do little changes like

  • Place his potty chair in toilet so that he gets used to visit the toilet.

  • Then bring the child size toilet seat and place it on the toilet. To make the things easier, provide him some support to climb up and down by his own while using toilet.

  • When he becomes familiar with the process, remove the potty seat.

In case your child suffers from toilet terror then have a chat with your child to know the cause of this behavior. Then try to resolve this problem with your support and guidance. Find some trick/s to conquer this fear in your child. Before transition it is obvious to point out the reason for this change and try to clear out the things with your child. The main reason behind the transition is your inability to offer them their preferred potty seat or chair every where.

If you are away from your home like at friend’s or relative’s house, shopping centre or on vacation it will be hard to find out kids’ toilet. In that case you have to ask your child to use adult toilet. Irrespective of all these excuses your child may become hesitant in using the adult toilet. It is because it is large, high from the ground and has big hole.

To make things easy for your kid you need to teach and ask him to practice the way of climbing toilet height in your own home. Manage the things by assisting him in getting up and down from adult toilet. Practice it several times with your kid to make him familiar with the adult toilet. Do not send him alone to toilet unless he grows enough to use the toilet independently. Kids have the tendency to copy their parents and elder siblings. Baby boy can learn the way of using adult toilet from his father or big brother.

First let your kid uses the toilet himself and do not impose your ideas on him to use it properly. If he feels comfortable in using the toilet in his way then only you should ask your child to use the toilet as per your directions. It is necessary to introduce the toilet to him so that he overcomes the fear, you can then ask the child to change the way your kid is using it. For example some kids feel it easier to sit on the toilet seat backward as they can hold the wall or toilet cistern for support and also they may feel it easy to climb the toilet on that way.

Moreover, do not forget to appreciate your child’s effort and successful trial for using the adult toilet. This will encourage them and build confidence in them for using it again and again. This way your small kid becomes big enough to use the adult toilet independently.

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Common Problems Of Toilets And How To Fix Them.

You may have some horrible experience about problems in your toilet. Some of you really have no idea about how to deal with these problems and how to fix them. It is the fact that most of people rather call for professional service to fix a very little problems, which you never know that even you can fix it by yourself. This article will suggest you about most common problems in toilet and how to fix them properly.

1. Smell

Problems about smell and odor are always with the toilet. You may have experience about bad smell that never disappear, even though you have already clean the toilet, no matter when and how often you clean it, that smell still there without any clue. I can tell you that the smell, which never disappear are generally comes from the waste water drain. Drain is a really good place to store many of bacteria that is the cause of smell. All kind of waste after using toilet will be accumulated in the drain such as stain of soap, fat after shower. The easiest way to fix this problem is to call for professional service to install anti smell equipment in the drain, then clean the toilet often as normal, the smell will disappear after just 1-2 weeks

2. Rust in lavatory.

If you have used a lavatory for a while, you will find that when you open the lavatory , sometimes there is a stain of rust on it. The cause of this problem is the valve that control to let the water come on/off from water tank has broken and it can not stop the water. So the water id leaking from the tank and make rust stain on the lavatory.

You can get rid of this stain by using a piece of small metal or sand paper to softly scrape the lavatory, and then clean it normally. Do not forget to replace the water control valve too.

3. Bath tub clog up

For some of you who ay have problem about bath tub clog up very often. This maybe due to your hair that fall in to the tub drain after washing you hair. It is possible to use sodium hydroxide to clean but you have to be very careful because sodium hydroxide will destroy the bath tub coating and surface

4. Leaks

Leaks may be the most common problem in bath room but they are also the most difficult to fix. When you find any cracks or leaks in the toilet, you have to fix it immediately and do not let it be until it worse because it will be larger and let insects com into your house and absorb humidity. You must immediately seal the cracks or leaks but be sure that you can only fix by yourself only small leaks,otherwise, I would recommend to call for professional service.

5. Ventilation

If you notice that there are a lot of water drop on the ceiling, you can assume that your toilet is having a problem about ventilation. The water drop will make the ceiling coat erode, so you should install a ventilator to help.

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Tuesday, 21 April 2009

How To Unplug Your Toilet

We've all had this experience. You really have to go but someone has just made your toilet nonfunctional. You've tried to plunging it until your hands and wrist started to ache but no amount of effort seems to get things flowing again. You've thought of calling a plumber but they're expensive at even the normal labor rate. So what can you do besides getting your body tired by continuing what you are doing?

  • Most people don't know how to plunge a toilet properly to begin with. They push and push until the wax seal breaks out and then they have another problem to contend with. Also, they've bought the wrong toilet plunger.
  • The most effective plunger to buy is the one that has a flap that folds out so the rubber end looks like a bell. Stay away from the one that looks like a saucer.
  • To properly plunge your toilet first make sure the flap on the plunger is extended out. Then place the end into the hole. Slowly push the plunger down into the hole until the air in the plunger is expelled. This creates a vacuum in the plunger. Make sure the outside rim of the plunger is fully seated over the hole on the bottom of the bowl. Then with a quick jerking motion pull the plunger so that the vacuum created lifts the water out of the hole and releases the obstruction. You may have to do this several times before you are successful.

After many attempts using this method without success I discovered another way.

  • Hot water! My bathtub is next to the toilet, so I filled a large pot with hot water and poured it into the bowl to soften the obstruction and within eight or nine potfuls I was successful. As soon as I saw that the water level was going down quicker I used the plunger once again and then tried to flush and it worked!

Next time this happens you should try these methods. You'll save your muscles and your pocketbook!

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Sunday, 19 April 2009

Methods Which Enable Parents to Do Toilet Training in Less Than a Day

Though a toddler may not think so, toilet training is indeed very important and necessary for a toddler especially if he is anywhere between eighteen and twenty four months old. Training involves certain methods that will enable your child to be motivated enough. He or she has to be made to feel that toilet training is just a natural process and not something that is forced or thrust upon him.

There are various methods of training that you can use to train your child without creating an aversion in him. One thing that must be remembered is that during any kind of a family stress you must avoid starting the process of toilet training them.

There are also methods which enable parents to complete their child's toilet training in less than a day. Though this may sound impossible for exasperated parents, it is worth giving it a try. All you need is a doll, a normal boy or girl underwear to replace the diaper, liquid in abundance for the doll and your child to drink, and not to mention a potty chair.

Before you go about trying to perform toilet training in less than a day for your child, make sure you wait until the child is at least two years old. Doll must be used for demonstrating the way or method to go potty.

Using the name of your child's favorite hero to motivate him or her is also a good idea.
Step one involves making your child teach the doll the method to go potty. After naming the doll play with your child and make him or her feed the doll with liquids.

After feeding the liquid, the doll has to be led by your child to the potty seat and the underwear has to be pulled down. Watching the doll going potty with your child will make him understand that he also has to do that after he has liquids.

The second step in toilet training in less than a day involves throwing a potty party for the doll which has been successful enough. This will immensely encourage your child to follow the good deed. Party can actually be made grand and memorable. Doing this will imprint the idea in his or her mind that going potty is actually a good thing.

If he thinks there will be an exciting party, he will also make an effort to do the same. You can actually put it across to your child that when he follows the doll's example he will have a party too.

The next step involves replacing your child's diapers with underwear's. He will actually relate this to the underwear you put on for the doll. After giving him a lot of fluids, you can start your training with him. He or she has had enough motivation by now.

Wait patiently for some time before the child actually asks to go for potty. This will eventually happen and make sure you do not scold him for occasional accidents.

When he is sufficiently trained, it is time for celebration.

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Friday, 17 April 2009

Toilet On The Patio? How Convenient

My blog writing is always an interesting pass time and I try my best to give good answers and to interject some humor to brighten my day if no one elses. A few months back I wrote a blog about the new toilet arriving and sitting in the garage...what now? Well I guess the guy that posted the question below either left his on the patio instead of in the garage or we all now know what he did with the old one. Believe me folks I'm good but not good enough to make up these's very real from a DIY forum today:

Before you ask why I would even consider this, I need to mention that it is someone else who intends doing this. I think it is inadvisable. Do you agree that it's not a good idea to re-install a toilet that has been left outside, on the patio, all winter?
My Answer:
There are a few things that could happen to a toilet left outside for the winter, freezing water could have caused a break or crack in the tank or bowl, the flushing mechanism could become corroded or otherwise corrupted or on the far side something could have made a home for itself causing a clog....could make for an exciting "ground hog day" if thats where he's hiding, but in the long run toilets are pretty tough and if checked over well and any of the above problems are not present I see no reason why it couldn't be installed. But where will people sit on the patio with the toilet gone?

Now I will admit that I could have gotten this from Jeff Foxworthy or from my middle son. He is the one that Jeff Foxworthy patterned his redneck jokes after. My son measures his whole net worth based on the number of old cars he has in the yard, he does watch TV on a set sitting ontop of a set ontop of a set and I'm sure if his porch fell it would crush at least 3 dogs and a couple of cats. With this said I dont think Ive seen a toilet on his patio but once when I needed one for a renovation he was able to come up with one from somewhere on his 4 acres of land and it looked like it had been sitting out for several winters before we cleaned it up. S0 I knew how to answer the above problem, and YES it worked just fine.

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Pre-potty Training Tips: Steps to Take Before Beginning Toilet Training

Potty training is never easy. And with all the horror stories so many parents are forced to endure, it’s no wonder many delay the process for as long as possible. The good news is that if you take the necessary preliminary steps, learning how to potty train your child will be a whole lot simpler for both of you.

To make your child’s transition from diapers to the toilet that much easier, follow these pre-potty training steps:

    1. Avoid pull-ups. Although pull-ups are designed to make potty training easier, they can actually be quite confusing for a child. Despite the fact that pull-ups enable your child to pull them up and down like real underwear, at the end of the day, they can still have accidents in them. What’s more, they make it even more difficult for you to monitor when your child is having an accident.

    2. Stop bed-time drinks. Before you start toilet training, do your best to wean your child off liquids before bedtime. This will help them to stay dry during the night.

    3. Be a role model. Since children learn best by example, one great technique is to show your child how to use the toilet. Talk to her during the process and let her flush the toilet if she is curious. Otherwise she can simply watch and listen.
Potty Training Advice for Parents

Before you start the potty training process, it’s important to ensure both you and your child are both emotionally and physically prepared. Potty training is a lot of work. That means you must be willing to dedicate the time and energy necessary to get the job done.

Ask yourself these questions before you start to toilet train your child:
    Is my son/daughter ready?

    You might be surprised to know most children are ready to learn how to toilet train long before their parents are ready to teach them. In fact, children can begin potty training as early as 18 months.

    Am I ready?

    It’s worth repeating that potty training is a lot of work. In order for your efforts to be successful you have to have the time and energy to do what’s required; namely, be patient and consistent at all times. Your attitude is as much a determinant of your potty training success as your child’s.

    Daytime and nighttime training?

    Many parents choose to begin daytime training separately from nighttime training. What many don’t realize is that it’s often easier and less confusing for the child to do both at the same time.
Be sure you answer these questions honestly. The answers will give you great insight into your own personal readiness to begin the potty training process.

Good luck!

Article Source:

Tuesday, 14 April 2009

Benefits of a Toilet Bidet

You may have heard of the term bidet, or may have even seen one and wondered to yourself; “what is a bidet?” Taken from : “A bidet is a low-mounted plumbing fixture or type of sink intended for washing the genitalia and the anus. Originally a French word, in English.”

In simple English, a bidet is a tool used to wash your butt after using the toilet. I know it might sound funny or embarrassing, but it is actually one of the best things that happened to me, and probably to anyone else who uses one.

If you think about it, we do spend a great deal of our lives in the bathroom. A bidet really makes the experience much more comfortable. Wiping just doesn’t do it! No matter how much you wipe, you’re still not as clean as you would be with water. The bidet was obviously intended for that purpose. Instead of having to sit on a sink, or take a shower every time after going to the bathroom someone decided it would be a good idea to have a dedicated piece of furniture that washes your butt. Its great; you just sit back, relax and press a button while water sprays do the work.

This reminds me of a nice saying I read somewhere that goes something like this: “If you get dog poop on your finger you won’t just wipe it off with a tissue. You will wash it off with water and maybe even some soap. Why not do the same to your even more sensitive body parts after going to the bathroom?” I could not agrees more!

I know what you’re thinking…”Bidets are for rich people, bidets take up too much space, how do you even use a bidet?”

Not all bidets are the traditional ceramic bidets that look like mini bath tubs or sinks. Bidets come in all shapes, sizes, and colors, round toilet and elongated toilet, and warm water and cold water. The new trend of modern bidets is changing the way we look at personal hygiene. Popular modern bidet fixtures that fit right on your toilet in your bathroom even have convenient functions that warm the seat, warm the water, and even clean itself! Prices range anywhere from $50-$1800

For those of you that are like me and don’t want to dive in right into the most expensive bidet then there are some lower budget bidets that are just as effective. They don’t have electrical functions but they still get the job done just as well.

I was very happy with this buy: Royal Fresh Bidet- Easy toilet attachment . It is compact, easy to use and fits right on my toilet. Besides the face of it being low cost, it was also not that hard to install. I thought I would have to call a plumber, but it was pretty straight forward and easy enough to do on my own.

Don’t comprise on your hygiene. Save trees, and stay clean with water. Believe me; you won’t regret using a bidet. Go search the web for bidets and you will eventually find the right one for you, I did!

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Toilet Potty Training

Successfully potty training boys is said to take a longer time than girls. Nobody can really tell the reason why, but most people consider the fact the it is the mommies who are the potty-trainers, and considering the difference between males and females, girls are usually the ones who immediately get the idea of toilet potty training since they are physically like their mommies. Boys on the other hand would need a male role model to completely get the right procedure.

Another reason may also be because, more than learning the basics of potty training, boys need to also learn and master the proper way of peeing standing up. At first, boys need to learn to pee sitting down since peeing and pooping usually come at the same time at least for the first few months thus, it would be easier to toilet train them that way.

After a few months or so, when your son can now pee sitting down by himself, he is ready to go to the next step: learning to pee standing up. This would require a male role model so it is better to ask his dad, an older brother or an uncle for help. Make your son go with his male role model to the bathroom and see for himself how it is done. After a while, he can try doing it himself.

To help him perfect the proper way of peeing standing up, here are some potty training tips that you could try:

Aiming takes a lot of practice and so you must be ready to do little wipe-ups here and there before your boy can actually do it right. Show him how to point his penis down so that he won't spray his pee around the bathroom. It would also be helpful if he has a target to which he can aim his pee. One potty training tip suggests Cheerio cereals, paper boats or any other small, floating and flushable products as useful and fun targets.

Making toilet potty training fun for him can also help. Instead of floating cheerios, you could also try draining the water from the bowl, then painting a red target. his could be another way of perfecting his aim.

Training could also be made fun with his role model. On a trip to the woods for example, or somewhere where it is private, the boy can practice his aim. In the winter, father and son could have a peeing party while trying to right in the snow.

It would also help to make everything about toilet potty training comfortable for the boy. If the boy can not reach the toilet bowl, give him a boost by letting him stand on your toes or providing a safe platform on which he can stand. But, be sure that the toilet seat is secure enough not to fall down on your little boy as he is urinating or is guarded enough to prevent him from scraping his penis. You wouldn't want his potty experience to be a painful one.

Toilet potty training your young boy won't be much of a problem for you if you make it fun and easy for your son. Without the stress of trying to learn something new and perfecting it, your young one could learn to go to the potty with ease.

Read here for more updates on this topics.

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Monday, 13 April 2009

Small Camping Toilet Solutions

Is a portable camping toilet the best way to deal with poor toilet facilities that are found at camping sites the world over? Many camping enthusiasts appear to think so, although finding the right toilet is not as simple as it should be.

We've probably all been in a situation where we need the toilet late at night during a camping trips. Maybe we've had a fun evening of drinking. This is usually the point when we start to regret it.

First we have to make our way across a field in the dark. Hopefully we can quickly get our hands on a torch. Hopefully it's not raining and we're not about to embark on a trek across a muddy field.

Even if we avoid these potential problems, the worst may yet be in front of us. The bathroom facilities at many campsites are simply awful. Although standards do vary considerably from one site to the next, too many seem to produce bathroom blocks that are lacking in terms of cleanliness and hygiene.

It's because many people want to avoid getting into such situations that they choose to buy camping toilets that they can take with them. These may seem ideal - they make it possible to avoid stumbling across a field late at night.

They also give you a level of control when it comes to hygiene. They should be the perfect answer. So why is it that the right camping toilet is often so hard to find?

One reason is that many toilets are not as compact as they could be. This is because they are often simply too large, meaning that it's harder to transport them than it should be.

Another issue stems from the fact that some are most certainly not friendly to the environment. Making use of chemicals and large amounts of plastic, they can be a real problem.

Some people give up, believing that there are no suitable solutions available. That's a shame - the reality is that there are environmentally friendly, folding camping toilets that are absolutely perfect.

They're now being sold here in the UK. Take advantage of the situation to purchase a smaller camping toilet that should be perfect for your needs.

By: Keith Barrett

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Friday, 10 April 2009

Choosing a New Toilet of the Bathroom

Everyday a bloke and lady need to use the loo. It is a necessary part of life, but not all loos were made equally and if you look, you can actually find a fantastic loo that can be very attractive and can make your toilet look terrific. A lot of blokes like to keep their loo and toilet separate, and while this can be nice, it is not always the most practical approach.

Anytime somebody wants to refurbish the toilet in their flat, they never give any consideration to the loo and it often times goes over looked. This can be very important because it needs to go with the bath and the sink. Every bloke wants a high powered loo that he doesn't have to plunge every time he has a bowl movement. Not all loos are created equally and it is important to get one that doesn't stop up after every use. The other important factor that a bloke must think about is how easy it is to clean. Cleaning a loo is not very much fun and is never high on the chore list. There is not enough time in the day to get the flat clean and scrub every part of the toilet. The loos for cleaning have very crevices and contours, which makes them ideal for cleaning.

If you decide to go with vitreous china products, they appear clean, are very durable, and are physically easy to wash and wipe down. The best looking loos are the ones that come in the while colour. This makes them look pure and sanitary, which is essential to any clean toilet. The other fantastic aspect of a white toilet is that they are not very expensive and you can save a few extra pounds because they are so mass produced. The white coloured loo is the standard of all toilets and is the most traditional of all colours.

Another way to save some pounds is to go with the newer "low flow" loos. This will allow you to save a lot of money on bills, but will cause major plumbing issues. This will cause major stress problems and you will be using your plunger way too often. If you are deciding to purchase a "low flow" loo then you will want to go with a main brand. A few of the name brand loos are: Ideal Standard, Rak, Armitage, Shanks, Duravit, or Twyfords. These brands are famous for their loos and set the standard for all toilet ware.

It is vital that anytime you are putting in a loo that you have the proper plumbing equipment, because if you don't then you should employ a proper plumber. Installing a loo isn't terribly difficult and if you have the proper knowledge and proper tools you can put it in by yourself. Make sure you have excellent draining and you and your family will be able use an attractive loo in your very own flat. If you put it in properly, you will not have any plumbing issues and can worry about other items in your flat.

Written by James Chapman, a director of Bella Bathrooms Ltd.
Formed by two plumbers from the North East of England Bella Bathrooms has gone from strength to strength since it's creation in 2004. Having hands on experience of custom bathroom installation and products has enabled Bella Bathrooms Ltd to select only quality bathroom products for their online shop. They specialise in toilets showers, bathroom furniture, bathroom suites and bath related products for consumers throughout the United Kingdom.

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Wednesday, 8 April 2009

What Does Baby Toilet Training Entail?

From internet to forums and chats, the topic of toilet training for children is one that never seems to dry up. Some parents wondering whether there are real answers to some of the most defining questions in regard to training their children to become independent of diapers and nappies. Most children are said to have bowel movements at least once every day and toilet training should start from 13 - 18 months of a child's life. Some children have been known to naturally train themselves and eventually adapt naturally to the world of independent toilet matters. But not all parents are this lucky because most of the children need special and extra help to enable them to transition into good toilet habits.

As a parent or a parent to be, it is vital to consider and to really empower yourself with the right knowledge about toilet training so that when that day comes where you have to help your child, you are not clueless. Parents or guardians have been known to loose their heads at this time and it is therefore important to remember that there is nothing wrong if your child will not follow your strict instructions to the letter. Firstly, your child should be the right age for you to attempt enforcing something different from what they are used to. Start by explaining what exactly a toilet or a potty is and why they should use the facilities. It will help to state that other children or their older brothers or sisters use or have used the same. This will help the child feel familiar to the gadget and not feel alien to it.

A parent must learn to observe every behavior of a child so that she/he can learn to know when they are ready to empty their bowels or go for a short call (wee wee). Engage your language to such simple terms because your child uses simple language. A child who constantly touching their underwear or one who suddenly goes quiet or one who starts to cry and responds furious fits, are good examples of behavioral patterns that will help you roll out your plan.

Safety comes first, so make sure household cleaners and gadgets are out of the way if you are not using a potty. Dress the child in comfortable clothes which can be easily removed to answer a call of nature. Demonstrate to the child how to sit and how to wipe itself. Congratulate every effort and make sure you are firm on what you say. Children can only take us seriously if we are actually serious ourselves. Do not confuse this by being gloomy, make the learning as pleasant as possible.

Teach the girls to clean themselves from the front to the back to protect their vagina from infection. Teach the boys to shake their penis after a wee to avoid soiling their clean pants and for comfort. One secret that parents should know in toilet training is lots of patience. Your child should not feel rushed or punished. Once you have worn the feelings and trust of your child, it will translate physically and the child will have to learn and pass the lesson.

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Monday, 6 April 2009

Options for a Basement Bathroom Toilet

If you're thinking about remodeling your basement and adding a bathroom, you're making a smart decision. Homeowners can often recoup as much as eighty-five percent of the cost of their bathroom addition if they decide to sell later. After all, an additional bathroom adds real value to a house, making it much more convenient for everyone living there. Many older homes were built with only a single bathroom, which is difficult for modern families to deal with. Add guests in, and you could be facing a frustrating situation. The right basement bathroom with the right basement bathroom toilet could be the solution to all your problems.

A basement bathroom remodel is a unique situation, unlike adding another bathroom above ground. The room's location in the basement means that you'll have moisture and lighting concerns, a real need for ventilation, and some special plumbing requirements. A toilet located below the level of your sewage lines won't flush properly, after all, and sinks and showers or tubs in the basement won't drain. This is why your basement bathroom toilet and other fixtures need to be set up properly.

You can install a sewage ejector as part of your basement bathroom renovation. This is the most common and conventional method. To do so, however, you'll need to excavate a portion of the basement floor in order to install the ejector. Waste water of all kinds can be handled this way, and it's a relatively well tested system for making sure your basement bathroom toilet works properly. You may need to talk to a professional about installing this kind of system, unless you have a lot of experience with plumbing, or you've dealt with one before.

Another option that's more costly for the fixture, but sometimes cheaper in the long run, is a macerating toilet. This kind of bathroom installation can also handle sink and tube waste water as well, as long as you choose a unit of the correct size. However, unlike an ejector, it requires no digging. Some additional space is needed for a pump box and macerating unit, located either behind the toilet or in the wall. This method is relatively easy and requires no maintenance, but it is a little more costly to set up at first than a sewage ejector.

No matter what kind of basement bathroom toilet setup you decide to use, you'll need to know a fair amount about your plumbing and what you want out of your renovation. Pay attention to your budget and your pre-existing piping and wiring setups in order to create the right basement bathroom plans for your needs. Your stark, unfinished basement has the potential to become a really useful space for you, and the addition of a basement bathroom is an important part of that process. With the right plan, you'll have no problem putting together a basement bathroom that's right for you and for your family. It's a great way to add value and livability to your home!

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Saturday, 4 April 2009

Portable Toilets

One of the most important factors that any business that is expanding needs to consider and build into their plans is that the facilities that their premises provide are extensive enough to accommodate the number of employees that work there. It is no good taking on an extra hundred staff to work on a particular process if you are unable to provide them with basic facilities such as restrooms due to a lack of space or infrastructure. Thanks to the latest modular building systems, it is now possible to install portable toilets within almost any workspace with a minimum of fuss, and get the systems operating much more quickly and efficiently than it is with conventional building techniques.

Portable toilets can be prefabricated offsite and then delivered ready to use. Thanks to the use of 3" thick materials on the walls, and the inclusion of fork lift channels within the base of the structure, the block can be simply moved into position and then connected to the plumbing and power supply services in order to be used immediately.

Apart from the incredibly quick build time that they require in comparison to conventional construction systems, one of the main advantages of portable toilets that are built using modular techniques is the fact that the design of the units and their capacity can be determined by the end user. Rather than limiting the usefulness of the buildings by applying a one size fits all philosophy to their design, the use of modular systems means that the actual layout and size of each unit can be specifically chosen to meet the requirements of the location and demand that will apply to it when it is in use.

One of the main problems with conventional building techniques being used for installing toilet blocks is that so many different skill sets are required for the various different parts of the job. From bricklaying through to tiling and plumbing, a lot of different workers will be needed to carry out tasks within the construction process and this can lead to huge delays as you wait for various contractors to become available. It also means that the overall cost of the project can spiral upwards. With portable toilets, all of the work is carried out offsite, meaning that the various parts of the job can all be done at the same time before the finished product is delivered to you, ready for use.

The quality of the construction techniques that are used in portable toilets are very high, and thanks to the advanced materials that are included within the various modular components that are used throughout the building process, the portable toilets supplied by many companies are built to last. Thanks to the range of options that are available including the internal decoration and external colors that are used, coupled with the flexibility that a modular construction solution offers in terms of the range of sizes and shapes that are available to you, these portable toilets are the ideal solution to your needs, and provide the additional facilities that you need for staff quickly and in the most cost effective method possible.

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And the Toilet Runneth Over…tips on Stopping an Overflow

As a valued Apartmentite, I wanted to give you a quick tip on what to do if the toilet in your apartment seems to be overflowing.

We've all been there. You flush the handle and watch in anxiety as the water rises higher and higher with no recession in sight. Your breathing gets quicker and the panicky feeling sets in as you utter the words, "Oh! Crap!" (No pun intended.)

Sure it feels like the natural reaction to freak out and run around the apartment screaming for help as the water rises over the tip of the bowl and begins to cascade down the sides onto the bathroom floor. Although natural, this reaction pretty much does no good except disturb the neighbors and add time for more water to run out and get closer to your carpet and other things that just shouldn't get wet.

The key, however, is not to panic. Don't let this situation get the best of you.

Most of you know this, but I have found that a surprising number of Apartmentites out there don't. There is a brass knob behind the toilet that actually shuts off the water going to the toilet. This knob turns clockwise to shut off the amount of water going to the toilet and counterclockwise to let more water run through.

So as soon as you see that the toilet may be backed up and may overflow...reach behind the toilet and turn this knob clockwise to turn off the water. You will find that the water stops filling the bowl and now you have an easier opportunity to plunge your way to freedom.

This is where keeping a plunger by the toilet at all times comes in handy. Make sure that when you first stock your apartment with all of the apartment necessities, that this is included.

After you are sure to turn the water back on and give it a flush to see if all is working right.

Remember that a backed up toilet isn't always your fault and could in fact be something within the apartment building's plumbing, so its always a good idea to contact your apartment manager and let them know of your unfortunate incident.

Good luck!

For more tips on apartment living check out

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Friday, 3 April 2009

Start Toilet Training Toddlers Only When They are Ready for it

You can begin to toilet train your baby right from the time he or she is 5 months old. That is, you cannot potty train you baby at that age but you can surely get your baby trained to urinate at regular intervals. However, to potty train your child or toddler the child has to be between 18 months and 24 months before he or she really understands what potty training is actually all about.

Toilet training toddlers is really a great achievement for any mother or parent and this means no more nappy changing or carrying the changing bag full of diapers where ever you go. Most parents are not sure how much time it will take before their toddlers are potty toilet trained.

But it depends on each individual toddler and the support, care and love they get from their parents. There are some toddlers who are ready fro potty training and will take a few days to be potty trained while there are some toddlers who will take months before they are ready to be potty trained.

It is always advisable to start toilet training toddlers only when they are ready for it. You certainly cannot potty train a screaming toddler who refuses to even look at the potty chair.

Look for signs from your toddler that indicates that they are ready for potty training. Normally toddlers are ready for potty when you find them becoming quiet suddenly and have a pretty serious look on their faces. Help them to gently sit on potty chairs after you remove their pants.

Hold their hands or hand them a toy to play with while they are doing their potty his will help them to relax and forget that they are actually doing their potty. You can even read to them while they are at it. It requires tremendous time, energy and patience on the part of the mom when she is toilet training toddler.

Take your toddler to the toilet at regular intervals especially after he or she has had lots of fluids to drink and help them to urinate and help them to flush after that. Children love to play with water and they love to flush and watch the sudden gush of water in the closet with a sound. Initially they will be terrified but slowly the mother should make them feel comfortable and assure them that there is nothing to be afraid of.

Try to buy fancy potty chairs which are now available in the market. These potty training chairs are now available in Disney character chairs and will thrill small children. When you are planning to get toilet training seats fro your toddler try to get the right size and something which will appeal to them so that they would want to sit on them when they do their potty.

Create a routine for your toddler whereby after every big meal you help him or her on to a potty chair so that whenever they feel they need to do their potty they will begin by indicating that they want to do their potty. All children are intelligent and they respond to love and care which is most important when you toilet train toddlers.

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Thursday, 2 April 2009

Toilet Learning for Toddlers

Toileting (or using the potty) is one of the most basic physical needs of young children. It is also one of the most difficult topics of communication among parents, child care providers, and health care professionals when asked to determine the "right" age a child should be able to successfully and consistently use the toilet.

Most agree that the methods used to potty train can have major emotional effects on children. The entire process—from diapering infants to teaching toddlers and preschoolers about using the toilet—should be a positive one. Often, and for many reasons, toilet learning becomes an unnecessary struggle for control between adults and children. Many families feel pressured to potty train children by age two because of strict child care program policies, the overall inconvenience of diapering, or urging from their pediatricians, early childhood columnists, researchers, other family members, friends, etc.

The fact is that the ability to control bladder and bowel functions is as individual as each child. Some two-year-olds are fully potty trained, and some are not. But those that aren’t should not be made to feel bad about it. There are also many cultural differences in handling potty training, therefore it is important that families and program staff sensitively and effectively communicate regarding these issues.

The purpose of toilet learning is to help children gain control of their body functions. If a child is ready, the process can provide a sense of success and achievement. Here are some helpful hints on determining when young children are ready to begin the potty training process and suggestions on how to positively achieve that task.

Ready, set, go!

Children are most likely ready to begin toilet learning when they:

• show a preference for clean diapers—a preference adults can encourage by frequent diaper changing and by praising children when they come to you for a change.
• understand when they have eliminated and know the meaning of terms for body functions. For example, "wet," "pee," "poop," and "b.m." are words commonly used by children to describe bladder and bowel functions.
• indicate that they need to use the potty by squatting, pacing, holding their private parts, or passing gas.
• show that they have some ability to hold it for a short period of time by going off by themselves for privacy when filling the diaper or staying dry during naps.

Become a cheerleader

• There may be times during the learning process when children accidentally go in their diapers or training pants. This can be very distressing and may cause them to feel sad—especially if they have been successfully using the chair for some period of time. When this happens, change the diaper without admonition—a caring adult can then try to pick up the child’s spirits with encouragement that she is doing well and will get better with practice.
• The most common cause of resistance to potty training occurs when children have been scolded, punished, or lectured too often about using the potty, or have been forced to sit on it for too long. This learning process usually is not fast or consistent. Children need your patience and support.

Have a plan

• Parents and child care providers should decide together when a child is ready and then negotiate a plan that will be consistent and manageable in both settings. Some questions may include the following:
1. Is special equipment needed—step stool, toilet seat deflector, potty chair?
2. Are extra clothing items needed?; and
3. Are good hygiene practices in place, for example, hand washing for children and staff, a system for handling soiled clothing, and a routine for disinfecting equipment?

• It’s a good idea for families and child care professionals to exchange information on the words for body functions most preferred by each child in order to avoid confusion and provide a consistent message for everyone engaged in the process.

Successfully learning to use the potty is a major accomplishment for young children, and patience and praise from the adults who care for them is an extremely important component to their healthy emotional and physical development. Each child will individually provide signals as to when he or she ready to make that leap. Good communication, appropriate expectations, and a consistent plan on the part of parents and caregivers make it easier to support this process and is the surest route to success.

Find features advice from experienced dads on parenting, pregnancy, newborn baby, child development, toilet training and on raising kids and teens.

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