Wednesday 8 April 2009

What Does Baby Toilet Training Entail?

From internet to forums and chats, the topic of toilet training for children is one that never seems to dry up. Some parents wondering whether there are real answers to some of the most defining questions in regard to training their children to become independent of diapers and nappies. Most children are said to have bowel movements at least once every day and toilet training should start from 13 - 18 months of a child's life. Some children have been known to naturally train themselves and eventually adapt naturally to the world of independent toilet matters. But not all parents are this lucky because most of the children need special and extra help to enable them to transition into good toilet habits.

As a parent or a parent to be, it is vital to consider and to really empower yourself with the right knowledge about toilet training so that when that day comes where you have to help your child, you are not clueless. Parents or guardians have been known to loose their heads at this time and it is therefore important to remember that there is nothing wrong if your child will not follow your strict instructions to the letter. Firstly, your child should be the right age for you to attempt enforcing something different from what they are used to. Start by explaining what exactly a toilet or a potty is and why they should use the facilities. It will help to state that other children or their older brothers or sisters use or have used the same. This will help the child feel familiar to the gadget and not feel alien to it.

A parent must learn to observe every behavior of a child so that she/he can learn to know when they are ready to empty their bowels or go for a short call (wee wee). Engage your language to such simple terms because your child uses simple language. A child who constantly touching their underwear or one who suddenly goes quiet or one who starts to cry and responds furious fits, are good examples of behavioral patterns that will help you roll out your plan.

Safety comes first, so make sure household cleaners and gadgets are out of the way if you are not using a potty. Dress the child in comfortable clothes which can be easily removed to answer a call of nature. Demonstrate to the child how to sit and how to wipe itself. Congratulate every effort and make sure you are firm on what you say. Children can only take us seriously if we are actually serious ourselves. Do not confuse this by being gloomy, make the learning as pleasant as possible.

Teach the girls to clean themselves from the front to the back to protect their vagina from infection. Teach the boys to shake their penis after a wee to avoid soiling their clean pants and for comfort. One secret that parents should know in toilet training is lots of patience. Your child should not feel rushed or punished. Once you have worn the feelings and trust of your child, it will translate physically and the child will have to learn and pass the lesson.

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